
安徽马鞍山警方惊人一胎大赌案、16人被判定 - 社会 - 华网

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:19    点击次数:194

据中新网合肥9月8日报道,安徽省马鞍山市警方历经三年成功破获了一起特大网络赌博案件。专案组在全国各地展开行动,最终抓获了22名犯罪嫌疑人。近日,该案件进行了终审判决,16名涉案犯罪分子因开设赌场罪被判处有期徒刑,并面临2000余万元的非法获利被没收并上缴国库。 报道中指出,马鞍山市公安局高新分局在处理一起赌博案件时,发现了一个意想不到的线索。该案的主犯周某几年前作为赌客在赌博网站上遭遇了电信诈骗,输掉了大量资金后心生不甘,于是前往菲律宾寻找赌博网站的研发和致富之道。不到两年的时间,周某从一个普通赌客转变为赌博网站的代理老板,获得了迪拜OD公司”的授权,并创立了自己的代理团队,非法牟利。为了扩大市场,他还动员了国内的亲友前往菲律宾和阿联酋。 专案组民警表示,这些赌博软件具有很强的欺骗性,让人难以防范。周某的犯罪团伙利用传销式”经营模式在中国境内发展下级代理,通过流水提成”、亏损返点”和工资”等形式非法获取利益。 民警从资金流水中发现,周某团伙中下级代理人的财务报表都显示亏损,这实际反映了每个赌客的盈利情况。赌博网站还结合电信诈骗手段,在赌客赢得盈利后,平台也会冻结赌客账户中的资金,导致赌客无法及时提现。 在短短三年时间里,周某通过赌博网站非法获利数千万元。与此他进行了多种洗钱手段,包括购买奢侈品和与亲友进行理财炒股等。周某没有料到的是,这一切都在警方的严密监控之下,只等待抓捕的时机成熟,将其一网打尽。 Due to the long duration, large number of individuals involved, significant amount of money implicated, and wide geographical scope, the authorities in Ma'anshan attach great importance to the case and have held several special case advancement meetings, formulating a plan for apprehension. After obtaining substantial evidence against the criminal gang, the police decided to launch a dragnet operation immediately.On September 7, 2021, the task force split into 7 groups and carried out the first concentrated apprehension in Hubei, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and other areas, resulting in the arrest of 10 suspects engaged in illegal gambling website agency within the country. On February 15, 2022, the task force mobilized 50 police personnel for the second concentrated apprehension operation, leading to the seizure of 2.64 million yuan in cash at the scene, the recovery of illicit funds and assets, and the freezing of over 22 million yuan in funds from the account belonging to Zhou Mou.Through investigation, it was found that the main suspect Zhou Mou had engaged in online gambling on gambling websites since 2017 with the intention of making illegal profits. In 2019, he went abroad to the Philippines and became an overseas agent for gambling websites. In 2021, he moved to the United Arab Emirates, where he used his previous agent resources to establish a partnership with a Dubai-based company, "OD Company," specializing in the development and operation of gambling websites, thereby obtaining the senior agency rights for the company's gambling platform.In order to expand the market and develop subordinate agents, Zhou Mou mobilized friends and family members in China to join, employing a "pyramid scheme" business model to vigorously develop subordinate agents within the country and unjustly amass profits. This criminal gang has illegally gained 22 million yuan in profits and recruited over ten thousand members, with the total amount of gambling transactions involved reaching 4.5 billion yuan. After acquiring enormous illegal profits, the criminals would then engage in money laundering activities. It was also discovered that this criminal gang was involved in "pig-killing" telecommunications fraud schemes. (End)


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